محمد دياب للمحاماة
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محمد دياب للمحاماة
نورتوا المنتدى بتشريفكم
محمد دياب للمحاماة
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محمد دياب للمحاماة

منتدى قانونى ثقافى

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أهلا وسهلا بك زائرنا الكريم, أنت لم تقم بتسجيل الدخول بعد! يشرفنا أن تقوم بالدخول أو التسجيل إذا رغبت بالمشاركة في المنتدى

The Cheapest 190m store For Sale In Jeval Mall New Administrative Capital

اذهب الى الأسفل  رسالة [صفحة 1 من اصل 1]

1The Cheapest 190m store For Sale In Jeval Mall New Administrative Capital Empty The Cheapest 190m store For Sale In Jeval Mall New Administrative Capital الثلاثاء سبتمبر 20, 2022 10:32 pm

نوران نور

Services of
Jeval Mall New Capital
In the capital, there are many services that you add to the projects established in it, and they carry a lot of diversity to suit different types of customers, and Wealth Developments, the developer of Jeval Mall, has already benefited from these advantages in the capital.

It also worked to provide many other services in the place, including the following:

You can enjoy an integrated security system with many surveillance cameras that monitor all movements in the place.
Electric elevators are located on the premises and escalators.
In order to find the right place to hold large meetings or seminars, Jeval mall has provided a number of rooms equipped for holding various events.
Moreover, there are smart systems available in place in the best way that allows it to be easy to manage the units in Jeval project.
A number of modern systems are present in the lighting system and alarms in place.
Solar modules work around the clock and provide the place with a percentage of the energy it needs.
Allocating three basement floors for garages so that there is no crowding while visitors are in the place.
Jeval includes a children's area.
Gym equipped with a high degree of advanced equipment.
Jeval project has a generator that works in case of any emergency.
In addition to central air conditioning, cleaning and maintenance teams work throughout the day.
Spaces and unit types of Jeval Mall
The space is considered one of the distinctive things that the owner company set in Jeval, which amounts to 2455 square meters, added to the architectural design, which would have taken advantage of all the available spaces in many well-divided units allowing the customer to choose from among them with a spear.

One of the distinctive things that were taken care of in Jeval, including the enjoyment of green spaces surrounding the place, which are equipped so that visitors can enjoy sitting in it and enjoy the wonderful view that it provides, in addition to many services and facilities haveties that have been taken care of in the place so that you can find everything you need it at Jeval mall.

There is also more than a variety of space and different types of units in Jeval Project:

In Jeval project, there are administrative, commercial, and hotel units that have been divided into roles.
The commercial units on the ground floor start from 31 square meters up to 67 square meters.
As for the floors on the first floor, the spaces start from 31 m².
Administrative units with spaces start from 31 m² up to 78 m².
Hotel units, which start from 59 m² up to 71 m².
Work has been done to have full finishes in the administrative and hotel units.
Units prices in Jeval Mall Project
Being in New Capital is one of the things that have been added to Jeval because it has all the capabilities that the site offers it and other details of interest to customers and helps them to be a truly special place.

The developer company has also worked to provide special price offers in Jeval Mall New Capital and is working on making the place have many special things, including prices, which are as follows:

The price of commercial units starts from 129 thousand EGP.
As for the administrative and hotel units, they start from 22 thousand EGP.

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة  رسالة [صفحة 1 من اصل 1]

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